Supporting start-ups and entrepreneurs

Scientific Infrastructure Access for Harnessing Academia University Research Joint Collaboration (SAHAJ)

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The autonomous institutes under DBT provide and share the research infrastructure and facilities with other research institutes, academic institutes, start-ups and entrepreneurs.

Biotech Science Clusters

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DBT has created clusters to function as an epicentre for technology development, technology translation and entrepreneurship network across the country. Four Biotech Science Clusters have been established at Faridabad, Bangalore, Kalyani and Pune. 

Creation of Biotech Parks and Incubators

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DBT has created biotechnology parks and incubators to facilitate the scientists, small and medium sized enterprises and young entrepreneurs for commercial development of biotechnology. It has supported 9 biotechnology parks in various states of India such as Biotech Park, Lucknow; Biotechnology Incubation Centre, Hyderabad; Tidco Centre for Life Sciences (TICEL) Biotech Park, Chennai; Golden Jubilee Biotech Park for Women, Chennai; Biotech Park Technology Incubation Centre, Guwahati; Biotechnology Incubation Centre, Cochin; Biotechnology Park; Industrial Biotechnology Parks (IBTPs), Jammu & Kashmir and Chhattisgarh Biotech Park, Naya Raipur.